Saturday 27 June 2015

Woo Hoo!!!  Rae got to come home on a weekend pass. Picked her up Friday night with all her dirty laundry. We've been having a great visit. She brought her walker from the Glenrose but she hasn't needed it.

I've found out she does like to be waited on but we don't mind a bit. The nurses have been spoiling her. She goes back to the hospital on Sunday night for another week of rehab. They think she might be home for good around July 7th potentially.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

They moved Rae to the Glenrose Tuesday. They took her to the U of A for a test and decided to save a trip so they took her to the Glenrose instead of the Grey Nuns. She is on the fourth floor in nursing station 4B room 202.  She finally gets a room to herself.

Today they will be assessing her and making a schedule for her rehab. They will probably keep her busy from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Visitors should be okay anytime after 4:00 pm. Her weekends will be free so anytime on weekends. She can get weekend passes but she needs to apply for those the Tuesday before so I will let everyone know if we are planning on taking her home for a weekend.

She arrived at the Glenrose around 4:00 yesterday. She talked to one of the evaluation staff there for a bit and they thought she should be out of the hospital in about three weeks if all goes according to plan. That was just a quick estimate and they might revise that goal but it sounds promising.

Monday 15 June 2015

Rae had a good day today. Lots of hard work on the bike. She is real tired tonight though.
They are now saying she will move to the Glenrose on Wednesday. I'll let everyone know for sure when it happens.

She would rather not have any visitors tonight or Tuesday. She is getting really tired after her rehab which is a good thing because that means she's giving it her all.

Sunday 14 June 2015

Rae's improvements have slowed down this week. Or maybe it just seems that way. If she is well rested her comprehension and speech are really good. She still forgets a word or name every once in a while but she is doing great.

Her right side is still weak. She did a lot of work on that part of her body this week and it looks like it is working. She is walking well with a walker now. She thinks she'll be able to do stairs by next weekend.

They told her last week that she was was going to go to the Glenrose on Monday but they changed their mind. I'm guessing they needed the bed for someone else. It looks like she is on the top of the waiting list so it shouldn't be long before she moves there anyway. I'll let you all know when she moves.

Rae is in very good spirits. She is going to do her best to get back to 100%. I was mentioning to Aaron today that maybe I should cancel the insurance on her vehicle. She was in the washroom at the time. Her hearing works real good and she yelled to me "no way". I guess she'll be on the road before too long also.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Last night was not Rae's best. She thinks she only got 3 hours sleep. Her new room mate is very demanding.

She also had problems with her arm where they had the IV needle last week. It is a little bit infected and there is some pain that was keeping her up.

She is asking that there are no visitors today. I'll let you know how she is tomorrow. Hopefully better.

During the week she is busy with rehab until 3:00 so if you wish to visit it should be after that time.

Friday 5 June 2015

Thanks to all the visitors that came today. Good to see her smiling and laughing. It really lifts Rae's spirits.

Finally had the test that she did not want to have. Had nothing to do with the stroke but they wanted to run it anyway. She had to be on clear liquid diet for almost 2 days. Not fun. Tests are done for now. Nothing to be worried about and if you ask Rae she will tell you she already knew that.

Lots of rehab now. She is working hard to get the signals back from her brain to her right side but it is going to take time. Still, everyday is an improvement.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Rae started her physio and they had her walking with assist from the parallel bars. They also had her standing on one leg. Both left and right.

Her speech is improving every day. Still forgetting a lot of stuff. She is talking real slow because she really has to think about what she wants to say. We are still seeing big improvements every day. They are still running a lot of tests on her and that is starting to frustrate her but she's hanging in there. Today was her first shower since Thursday. She was really looking forward to it.

They upgraded her food too. She can have anything on the menu with the exception of hard foods like raw carrots and nuts.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Rae has been moved to a different room today, 5212. She didn't get much rest last night. Hopefully her new roommate is quieter. If you are coming to visit her she is now doing her therapy. Every weekday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am and from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm she will be out of her room doing her exercises.

Today was not a good day for her. She had to fast until she had one of her tests so it's 5:00 pm and she still hasn't had anything to eat today. They put her to sleep for the test and she is still very groggy from that. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Monday 1 June 2015

Today is another big step in the right direction for Rae. She is processing information a lot better now and she is having conversations that make complete sense. She has some tests still on Tuesday so she might not be available for visits. Wednesday would be better.