Sunday 14 June 2015

Rae's improvements have slowed down this week. Or maybe it just seems that way. If she is well rested her comprehension and speech are really good. She still forgets a word or name every once in a while but she is doing great.

Her right side is still weak. She did a lot of work on that part of her body this week and it looks like it is working. She is walking well with a walker now. She thinks she'll be able to do stairs by next weekend.

They told her last week that she was was going to go to the Glenrose on Monday but they changed their mind. I'm guessing they needed the bed for someone else. It looks like she is on the top of the waiting list so it shouldn't be long before she moves there anyway. I'll let you all know when she moves.

Rae is in very good spirits. She is going to do her best to get back to 100%. I was mentioning to Aaron today that maybe I should cancel the insurance on her vehicle. She was in the washroom at the time. Her hearing works real good and she yelled to me "no way". I guess she'll be on the road before too long also.

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