Saturday 19 March 2016

Changes…that’s what I’m about…well that’s what life is about too. The other day I wrote about aphasia, what it is, how I am dealing with it and what it means to others dealing with it and where you go from here when you have it (or to simply explain what it is).

Life does change all the time, sometimes good things happen and sometimes bad things happen (trust me there has been good and bad over the past year). I think the most important thing to keep in mind is to tell people when you have some good news to tell them but it is also just as important to share the bad times with them, so you won’t feel alone or that you don’t have anyone to talk to.

It was important to me to share about what I have been feeling the last couple of weeks because it did feel like a hit a bit of a roadblock. That’s not to say that I have come far in the past 9 months but I wanted everyone to know I have come a long way but I still have a long way to go, and I may not be able to get back to where I was. And that’s ok too. It’s the changes I am going to make through this journey and how I approach them which are going to make the difference.

I like Pam's comment with her post “how do you eat an elephant…one bite at a time”! I want to say I love all of you who have come with me so far…and we will have to see what comes next!! (It helps to type it because I can’t always say what’s on my mind or verbalize it, although it takes me a looooooong time to type it these days also…another thing I have to work on!)

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