Tuesday 7 March 2017

Well I have been going to all my therapies since January and it is going well. I was at one on Monday and something came up because I can't do math very well and the aphasia is getting better but it is still a struggle in the afternoon when I have to make calls and things like that.

So the question was to me, what do you see yourself doing if you can't go back to the work I did before? Wow, I never thought of that! I'm reading a book, "Tell Me Everything You Don't Remember - The Stroke That Changed My Life", the author took eight (yes I said EIGHT) years for her recovery. She was a writer. Eight years...and I'm in my second year since having a stroke. It's something I have to think about. I never thought I wouldn't go back to work in the position that I had before I had the stroke, wow.

So now I have been thinking of other things I could do (because I'm not cut out to sit at home) so what can and should I do?

So I'm asking all of you, what would you do if you were in my shoes? Or if you could do something else besides what you are doing right now, what would it be? I'm looking for suggestions of things that I would be good at, and considering the items I have to get better at (math, typing and the whole aphasia thing). Any suggestions from anyone would be appreciated!

And thank's so much for following my journey since the stroke, you have ALL made a huge difference to me while I am getting better!

#working after stroke  #rehab

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