Tuesday 14 March 2017

This is from the book "My Stroke of Insight - A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey" by Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D.

I just started reading it yesterday and it's really quite good!  There are some things in the back of it, in the Appendices, that are really helpful to me as a stroke survivor and to the people around anyone who has a brain injury.  There are 40 things listed and the one that speaks the most to me is number 37:

"Love me for who I am today.  Don't hold me to being the person I was before.  I have a different brain now."

I can't say it much clearer that that.  I am different now (some people will say I am much more relaxed about everything...I don't know if that true 😏).  But thankfully, I am getting better and can think more clearly and I can verbalize things a lot better than I could a year or two ago!

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