Thursday 30 March 2017

It has been a couple of weeks since I've written in here.  That's because of a few things that have been going on:

1.  Zach moved out last Tuesday, and the living/dining room was a mess because of all the boxes he was packing to go.
2.  I went to Brooks last weekend to visit Michelle, my cousin.
3.  I really didn't feel like writing anything because I was feeling a bit depressed or sad b,ecause it's taking me longer (a lot longer) to recover from the stroke than I ever thought it would.

Sometimes it seems like everyone around me doesn't see the disabilities like I do (and trust me - it is a brain injury I am suffering from now - and still recovering from...quite possibly for the rest of my life).  Everyone is cheering me on, or they say "you can't even tell you had a stroke".  All I can say to myself is "Yaaaaa right!"  But I'm not going to get into all that (right now at least 😮).

The one thing I did receive in the mail was our passports (Richard, Zach, Kennedy and me).  Now, before I had the stroke, it was really quite easy to get them - you just filled out the form, the passport office would received them, and then you'd receive them back in the mail - quite easy, right?!  Not any more!!!!

I had to really think about: was I putting everything in to the right place on the passport renewal info, I had to get the right addresses in the right spot, I had to get the positions right (for our jobs) in the right spot, I had to get the reference information as well in the right spot.  It wouldn't have taken me long (before the stroke) - but this time (after the stroke) it really took me a lot of time and effort to get all the information together.  The other thing was the writing - it took me soooooo long to write everything down because of my right side being "slower" than it was before.

One thing this disability, that I now have, has taught me is that no matter what, you have to keep trying when things look bad (or different than it used to look).  The "reward" of doing all the applications for the passport renewal is that WE GOT THEM!!!!  YES!!!!!!!!!  They didn't come back looking for explanations or anything!  I also got them for 10 YEARS (which means I don't have to think of them until 2028 😀).

So even when things aren't going the way as I want them too, or if it seems it is taking me a bit longer that I think it should be going - there is always something positive in this recovery of mine!

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