Friday 7 April 2017

I have traveled past this sign a few times over the past couple of weeks.  Now I know it is about speeding but there are a number of reasons a person can suffer a brain injury:  stroke or a heart attack can cause it, you can trip and fall and bump your head (it would have to be quite a bump though), skateboarding, a car accident (without speeding), skiing with a bad tumble, and I'm sure there are others that I can't think of right now.

I know, I have said it before, I have come a long way since my stroke, but there is still so much to learn again to even get back to half the skill I used to have.  I'm still trying to learn fractions, and that was really very simple to me before I had the stroke, typing and even printing takes a lot out of me because the right hand side is weak and I can't print or write very much because it makes me tired and I have to think did I use the right word to describe something.

If anyone had told me before the stroke, that I would have so much trouble trying to get back to where I used to be, I would have thought you were crazy.  I really don't like speaking very much to anyone, and only when I HAVE to.  I used to be the "life of the party" but now it is difficult and quite often I can't contribute "fast enough" so I just sit back and listen.  I don't like to go out with friends or even family, because again, it makes me tired trying to think of things to say and did I say them right.

I used to travel for work and for recreation, but it really takes an effort because I can get lost if I am traveling by myself and I don't like to hold people up but now I have hold them up because I can't get around as well.  It is very frustrating!  I don't even like to go to movies any more because people talking around me can often make me miss something in the movie and then I have to think about what I've missed.

As I sit here right now, I like it, because there is no one home right now and I can think about what I want to type without anyone rushing me and there isn't any background noise to distract me.  I can think of a lot of reason's from "before the stroke" but the one thing the stroke has taught me is that everyone should be patient and kind to other people - because not everyone can think like you do or do things as quickly as you can and you just never know why.

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