Wednesday 31 January 2018

It's Heart & Stroke Month

It is that time of year again, February is the Heart and Stroke funding campaign.  I didn't think much about it, before I had the stroke.  Now, it's a little different.  My husband will be out and about in our neighborhood to see if people will give to this cause, and I hope he does very well at it.

I know, there are a lot of charities that everyone gives to, so if you can, please remember this one when people come to your door to give.  That's all I've got to say 👍.

The past couple of month's have been some what difficult for me, because of a number of things.  But I'm really trying to make a difference; I am talking to people that I sort of cut out of my life for a bit; I am back on the hunt for a part-time job (so if you hear of anything...😉) and I am going down to Texas, in March, to see my friend, Sonia (Ramona and Denise are going down there as well).  I am also making a concerted effort to go for lunch or coffee with the people I was trying to avoid, due to my stroke.

I have to realize that yes, things have changed with me, BUT my friends are around me and I believe (actually I know 😮), I have told enough people about my stroke, the difficulties I have now and the fact that I have plateaued. Everyone just wants me to talk to them, if I am going through a tough time.  It is so important to keep the lines of communication open and that means through the good time 😊AND bad times 😟.  So if there is anyone that I have seemed to mistreat or I have seemed to "disappear" from, I am so sorry and I hope you can forgive me for not speaking or talking to you.

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