is a post I have been putting off for a little bit now, mostly because I don’t
like to admit to myself (or others) that there’s anything wrong. Now don’t get me wrong, I have come a long
way since the first day that I had the stroke.
But the fact is, I still have a long way to go (and quite frankly), I
will never be the way I was before the stroke.
I don’t want to say I suffer from depression, because I don’t suffer
from it all the time, but it comes and goes these days because I’ve hit a
plateau with my recovery.
is a lot to deal with, and I don’t like to talk about it with just anyone because
every time I am feeling down and I do talk about it, the other person “looks on
the bright side”. There is NOTHING wrong
with that, but sometimes, I think, you have to look at the facts and again, I
will never be the same person I was before the stroke. Now I think the “answer” to get through this
is you have to go through the phases of grief before you can move on.
that is why I am reading this book entitled, “The Grief Recovery Handbook”. I got a copy because I read about it on
a friend's posts. Really, that has
what has happened to me and I never really did “grieve” about it. I was so focused on “getting better”, and
now I am realizing you don’t get better from a brain injury – and that is
something to grieve about.
I’m just trying to figure out where and how do I
move on from this “head space”. I really
have to say (yes, again J), that you all have been wonderful with your
comments and you support of me through this time in my life…so thank you so
very much (and hopefully) I will come to accept what has happened and I’ll be
back to the “hybrid” of me J.