Friday 27 April 2018

Something to think about...

The Canadian Disability Tax Credit, WOW, who ever would have ever thought I (at the age of 51) would need this.  But that is what I did this week, I took it to my doctor to fill out so that Richard could apply for it on my behalf.  That is how much life has changed for me since I had the stroke.  I’m not going to go into all that because quite frankly, if your reading this, you already know and those who aren’t, well it doesn’t really matter to me.  Really, now I have to get used to THAT!

Now there are some good things (quite a few, actually) that have been going on as well.  I have an appointment with The Brain Centre with respect to my computer skills, hopefully they will be able to give me some “cheat sheets” that I can quickly look up things that I used to know in Word and Excel.  It is really difficult for me to “know” I used to be able to do something before the stroke but I can’t process step easily now.  I am still waiting for a callback from the Women’s Support Group at the Brain Centre but hopefully I should get a call in the next couple of weeks, it will definitely help me to get around people that have a brain injury and how they are coping with the difficulties now.

Another thing is that I have started a part-time, Accounts Payable Clerk position!  It really is nice to get back into the work-force.  Now, I definitely can’t go back to a full-time Property Manager, but this position will challenge me, and I have many years with budgets and all the stuff that goes with it, so I really think this is a great position for me right now.  The company is going to launch a new software system next month, and I’m looking forward to helping with that too.  I can only hope things will come back to me, although it may be slower that I’m used to…but that is okay with me, at least I am getting out there.

There are several things that I could be unhappy about, but I have to think ahead, and I would rather think of the “glass being half full” than thinking of the “glass being half empty”.  Also, there are a lot of things that haven’t changed, yes Allan Carr, I am sarcastic (when I choose to be) and really, I do love to laugh (at myself and others 😉) because life is really to short to do anything but look on the bright side!!

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